
Dear Blog

Okay, so I'm breaking a rule by not blogging from my phone, but it's an emergency. Some friends at Anthology Film Archives were extolling the great virtue of their new slide duplicator for making small gauge film blowups, so, like the enthusiastic idiot I am, I went out and bought one THAT DAY. Blog, I know you probably don't know what a slide duplicator is, but it's basically a stand for an SLR camera that is pointed at a transparency that's mounted and lit by a blinding bulb from below. Guess I'm still going to have to fork over the $800 for a digital SLR, but meanwhile, my 5 megapixel Canon Elph produced this semi-fantastic terrier from Super 8 film. I am most pleased. Scanners be damned!! I mean, it's kinda blown out, but SERIOUSLY BLOG, how awesome is this freakish and WICKED CHEAP combination of analog and digital media?

Super awesome!

Posted by Posted by nambot at 8:36 PM


