
Posted by Posted by nambot at 8:15 PM



1. Boomer Vamps:
Baby Boomers - they expect to live forever and they're going to leech off of us the whole time. Mom, if you're reading this, don't worry. We'll find you a nice dungeon in the suburbs that's ready with all manner of appliances and a nice coffin with lumbar support for you to sleep in. You're gonna love it. I promise.

2. T.S. Eliot:
"Do I dare to eat a peach?"... ??!!! I mean, I know what you're saying, T.S., but if you'd eaten a peach recently you'd forget all about whatever shameful inhibitions, decisions and revisions creep up beneath your bald spot. Peaches are GOoooD.

3. Summertime Dishes:
I don't want to hear anybody complain about doing the dishes in the Summer. Like eating a peach, cold water is GOoood. If you don't believe me, stick your hands or your elbows or one whole arm under a faucet, wonder where that water comes from and think of how spoiled you are.

Posted by Posted by nambot at 1:22 PM



The corner store
has one dimension more
than ours:
a portal to
anyone temporarily.

A high school boy asks:
"Hey Miss, do you smoke Marijuana?"
I reply
"No, but thank you..."
As I approach my stoop
he's looking still.
I raise my fingers to my lips
and take a huge pretend hit.
He motions,
"Call me".

Posted by Posted by nambot at 10:48 PM

