
Dear Blog,

1. While I was riding my bike home from work on Bowery tonight, I accidentally pulled up beside this little chinatown bus full of passengers. Out of nowhere a man stepped out from between parked cars and stood right in front of me with one arm in the air. Simultaneously, the bus driver slowed the bus down, reached across the passenger seat, and stretched his arm through the open window. The two men appeared to be hi-fiving at a very inopportune moment for me. Instead of slapping hands, the bus driver passed something down to the man on the street that was about the size of my shoe and turned out to be... a wad of cash big enough to buy two pet dolphins, and a 4Runner.

2. Instead of riding directly home, I took a little jaunt through Prospect Park where I saw a woman walking a dog that was wearing what appeared to be a fiber optic light-up collar. Awesome! The sun had just set, so the dog was totally tricked out and very visible compared to other dogs. The dog's owner set it loose in the long valley at the north end of the park. As soon as it was off-leash, the dog bolted out into the night, racing through the trees like a little sparkly torpedo. It was the raddest.

3. A little Bonnie Tyler for you, oh blog reader, because your happiness is important to me. Also, if you have free moment, watch from 1:20 to 1:35 a few times in a row. That part where Bonnie disappears for a second is almost unbearable! OMG I cannot stop watching it:

Posted by Posted by nambot at 9:12 PM


