
Dear Blog,

This morning while I was walking in the park during free-dog off-leash crazy-dog time, I was bombarded by miscreant dogs. Several pugs roved in packs like schools of fish, warding off me, other humans, and other dogs. An ancient golden retriever rolled in the grass, slapped its gangly limbs to and fro, and emitted a growling sound with cavernous reverb. A dobermann pinscher conquered a pomeranian next to the BBQ pits and gloated by performing an unsettling 3-legged prancing manuever. At one point I was approached by an enormous non-descript brown dog with a cranium the size of an ice chest who dropped a slobbery ball before me. Never one to disappoint dogs, I attempted cooperation, at which point I was issued a premeditated blow in the form of a "canine" tooth to the knuckle of my right forefinger. Dehabilitated, i thrust the dog's slobbery ball into the air with gorilla force and scuttled away to console myself.

Bad dogs.


Posted by Posted by nambot at 8:23 AM


